INFN Roma Tre Computing and Network Service take cares the configuration and administration of computing and network resources.

In providing access to these resources, the INFN Roma Tre is subject to compliance with all applicable laws and regulations issued by the National Commission Computing and Networking (CCR) of the INFN.

On this page there are the main documents that summarize the rules that all users must respect. Users are required to keep up to date on any changes of the regulations for the use of computer services.

It is not allowed to be installed standalone network devices connected to the network INFN nor the modification of existing ones. Also remember that moving computers from a wall outlet to another, the change of IP address and the reassignment of an IP address to a different computer must be agreed with the staff of the Computing and Network Service.

For people with temporary contracts, upon expiry of which are not the most outstanding working relationships with direct INFN Roma Tre, the use of IT services will be granted for a maximum of 1 year from the date of the end of the contract. Following mail accounts and login will be removed.

 General signatures for access and use of IT resources INFN
(document n. 15442 approved C.D. il 28/02/2020)